Save Time and Money with ONTEX® Directly Bondable and Paintable TPO Solution

ONTEX® is a cost-effective solution that takes out the hassle and cost of specialty adhesives and coatings while maintaining the favorable properties of a TPO.

ONTEX® is a multi-layered sheet solution that:

  • Allows for a directly bondable surface to common adhesives for ABS without surface treatment
  • Allows for a ready-to-paint surface, without adhesion promoters or primers
  • Available for A-surface, B-surface, or both
  • Thermoformable up to 700% draw
  • Will not stick to the tool surface during forming
  • Regrind usage up to 20%
  • Compatible with all common TPO core materials

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How does it work?

Thin, multilayer film bonded to TPO:

  • Polar, directly bondable outer surface
  • TPO-compatible inner surface
  • Laminated to the sheet during extrusion
  • Thermoforming process helps further adhesion, but not necessary
ONTEX layers



  • ONTEX® passes automotive-style adhesion testing without the use of typical TPO adhesion promoters.
  • It is a common practice by some to sand TPO for adhesion. There is no need to sand ONTEX sheet as this can damage and/or remove the bonding film layer.


  • ONTEX® offers equal adhesion levels to ABS with common, non low-surface energy adhesives
  • ONTEX® also fails in a tensile manner, allows for less breakage / extreme part failure


  • ONTEX® offers direct foam adhesion in twin-sheet and two-sheet applications, allowing for greater structural integrity and strength
painted sample ontex

ONTEX® TPO Painted Sample



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