What We Do

We Are Extrusion Specialists

We pride ourselves on our high-performance products and high-performance people. We believe that hiring the right employees and providing them with the right training so they can be the best in the industry is just as important as the products we sell. You can count on SIMONA PMC to be your key technical consultants no matter what your needs are.

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We’re Focused on Performance

As part the worldwide SIMONA group of manufacturers, we produce highly engineered thermoformable sheet that will deliver the results you expect from your high performance finished products. In addition to being ISO certified, we follow strict and extensive guidelines to ensure that our sheet products are of the highest quality and result in peak performance.

We Provide Solutions

Not only do we provide a wide range of products, we provide solutions, too. Our team of specialists will pinpoint the right product, work with you to tackle all your tough projects, and stay with you through any hurdles you may encounter along the way. We know the custom thermoforming industry is constantly changing, and so are we.

If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us by calling +1 877 289 7626 or e-mailing us using the form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

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