OneStep® Vinyl/ABS

OneStep® Vinyl/ABS

SIMONA PMC’s OneStep® Vinyl/ABS products offer a textured, leather-like appearance and a refined feel. While maintaining dependable performance for forming applications, it retains the durability and rigidity to withstand wear and tear. A vinyl foam composite is laminated over ABS to create a piece that mimics hand-wrapped parts and is near impervious to scratches and marring. By adding vinyl, the regrind cannot be reused and the depth of draw is slightly decreased.

Vinyl/ABS is like a high-performance leather. It has a sophisticated look and feel while also providing the lasting durability required for a high-performance lifestyle.


// Van Interior // Automotive Interior // ATV Components
// Marine Dashboards // Recreational Vehicle // Explorer Van Interior

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OneStep™ Vinyl/ABS

*Subject to change based on demand.