
PMC routinely uses reprocessed materials that have been inspected, cleaned and re-pelletized by a professional compounder, for use in many applications. PMC recognizes that re-processed materials extrude better than regrind materials and produce a more consistent finished roll or sheet product....

A plastic material with enhanced mechanical properties due to the addition of high strength fillers embedded in the composition....

A process that involves the high pressure impingement mixing of two or more reactive liquid components and injecting into a closed mold at low pressure....

An average value is given rather than the temperature range often specified by the manufacturer....

The kind of processing (extruding, molding, casting, etc.) techniques recommended by the manufacturer....

Some processing aids include thixotropic agents, flatting agents, and blocking and anticaking agents....

Postindustrial regrind is different than post consumer regrind. One is regrind and the other is recycled material. Most extruders stay away from post consumer recycled plastic for fear of what might be in it (contamination), or how it was cleaned. This is changing as professional recyclers...

High-molecular-weight organic compound, natural or synthetic, whose structure can be represented by a repeated small unit, the mer: e.g. polyethylene, rubber, and cellulose. If two or more monomers are involved, a copolymer is obtained....

Mixtures of plasticizers and resins, which can be converted to continuous films by applying heat....